Adventures with Bird IDing

This is my original photo for this Monday’s Critter Connection

But after posting it on a local birding site, there was a bit of a debate on wether or not it was an actual Hoary. Silly me for deleting the one picture that may or may not have shown its white rump because it was blurry. 
So I set out Friday afternoon to catch one. I admit that I stood there somewhat dumbfounded. There were about sixty of these little birds fluttering in and around the feeders at the time. I found myself asking ‘how am I going to pick out a Hoary from all of you?’ I looked up and saw this little cutey watching me

 I think that this is definitely a Hoary because of the white undertail and lack of streaking on the undertail coverts. source:allaboutbirds

This is one of those moments in time where you ask the world for something and it grants you the wish. Don’t you just love it when that happens? 

*I wanted to post this yesterday but it was fairly busy at work and I didn’t get a chance*

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